Monday, January 2, 2012


Two girls:

Girl one - There's clearly a connection between us. I get along with her and she gets along with me. It works. She's a freshmen.

Girl two - There's never been any guarantees, but somehow I feel like she has better feelings for me. She's a junior.

Both girls I like quite a bit. I'm just not sure that the one I asked out on the millennium bridge four seconds before midnight on New Year's Eve (and confirmed the second after midnight) will share my feelings. Heck, taking a risk on a Freshman? That just doesn't sound like Mac.

On the other side, there's the Junior. I've taken her downtown for Coffee at the Market. We've gone to Boulder, both feeling absolutely amazing. Hell, I've taken her inside somewhere edgy and mysterious that she'd never trust anyone else in.

I'm sure she hinted that she wanted me to take her downtown for the countdown. Instead, I took my soon-to-be girlfriend. No need to call me a jerk - I already know it...and I know that's gonna be something I'll remember years from now.

I could've had that chance. I just could've.

I haven't had a girlfriend. Those sad, pathetic attempts at maintaining a relationship were seriously flawed and had no potential to them. If anything, it became a serious fwb advancement. In a way, I'm settling for girl one. I'm just not sure where my mind'll stop wondering for girl two.

That must seriously make me the least honest person a girl has ever met.

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