Thursday, June 16, 2011

Crime Pays

I gotta work out an awesome music video for this song. It deserves something more quirky than ever before...

Here's my thought:

The concept is a mockumentary on a con-artist. From the time he wakes up to the time he's snatching wallets, installing faux ATM card readers and camping out for unattended cars, the camera follows him closely and in second-person. One major concept I want to work out is identity theft, which this man is an absolute PRO at doing. (This will definitely make the audience have bittersweet ties with the 'protagonist') The con man doesn't acknowledge the camera man, but at many times, there's small things that point out his profession:

- He constantly wears Ray-Ban wayfarers when going incognito
- He signals the cameraman only when he does something mischievous
- Covering his tracks up is a must; he wears gloves when committing fraud/hats when under security cameras, etc.
- The camera does second-rotation clips on notices/collections from federal agencies/police
- Secretly, he has a family that he's left behind in his pursuit of the black-collar professions. A few clippets show family pictures and him stressing over them.

Many others I'll be sure to brainstorm. The gist of the plot is to show how he "gets away" with a life of fraud. I'm still in debate whether I let him live or die by the end of the video.

Regardless, I want the main character to look like one of the Blues Brothers. BADASS. Just sayin...gotta have the black/white suit and shades, at least.

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