Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pissed to pretty okay

I'm frustrated.

I've put in at least 15 hours on one song that'll end up being passed off as, virtually, public domain. I've worked HARD, even going to the extent of setting up a schedule. It bites me to say that, but I've worked myself out. Now there's a guy that comes out with a similar style that I'd like to pursue (or better yet, similar styles to Deadmau5, Wolfgang Gartner, Skrillex, Feed Me, you name it) and now he has numerous fans (in the thousands) in the term of weeks. Bluepulse, Buzzy and all my other work added up have less than 200 fans.

My frustration's built up for a pretty long time. In fact, as I type this, I feel more adept to punching holes in walls, beating myself up, beating others up, traveling to Canada and beating the shit out of Joel for not responding to my package (although it's clearly not his fault), or just telling my parents in a firm tone that I hate bedtimes and due dates.

There's a reason you don't see Mac angry. When he's angry, all hell in an orchestrated allegro (a-minor for dramatical overtone) breaks out. You don't want to hear that. It's worse than single-note bassline dubstep.

While I'm on it, I'll give any dubstep that's not ^^^that a chance.

Anyways, it's amazing how the mind can control itself if taught correctly. Why, in just the five minutes that I've been typing this, I've calmed down to a sense of neutrality. I'm still pissed off at my manager for double-guessing what sub-genre I should've taken with Crime Pays, but...whatever. I'll forget by tomorrow.

Oh, and by the super-super slim chance (1 in 3.4 billion) that you're reading this, Olivia, I miss us talking and hope that someday you'll reply to snail mail. I'm totally obsessed with you, if that hasn't been established before ;)

It's hard acting my age when 9/10ths of other "my-age" people act like whining idiots.

Go figure - when you're a "genius", you tend to overlook the big picture.

Pic related: Grado needs to release some purple/green-beast headphones (no hipster)

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