Friday, January 28, 2011

The Man Himself on Electro-house

Levi Allen [a.k.a. CrowBar) has the best way of summarizing (and ranting about) all the things that piss him off:

His thoughts on generic electro-house:

"And all those asshats that pirated FL studio, spazzed out for 20 seconds, looped it, added in obscene amounts of reverb and thought it was a song." - Levi Allen

I couldn't have put it in more blunt terms. You've earned >9000 points, Crow (and not the whose line points that don't count, I promise). :D

Monday, January 24, 2011

Is it just me...

...or does Royksopp somewhere sample the sounds of The Brothers Johnson's "Strawberry Letter #23?"

I just noticed that while driving in the Subaru today...

Right. Well, I'm off. I gotta go page my girlfriend.

Also, awesomest name I've heard this week: Jenny Quickdeath.

You're welcome, Jenny.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

That's right, Jimmy. I'm back.

...and I want - YOOOOOOOOOU.

A few things to note:

- I'm updating The Lamp Book
- I'm looking for stop-motion film apps
- I need to pay up 420 bucks for Live Suite 8.
- Looks like they caught on. Looks like I'm on hold making music for a little bit.

...brb, 420 bucks.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

24FPS would suck on gaming machines

It's funny how modern cinema hasn't changed all that much, retrospectively.

This has all been fundamentally the same for the past few decades:
- Film
- Reels of films
- Soundtrack on rims of film (not being the best quality)
- Problematic transportation of films (I've always imagined big MPAA agents in an armored car delivering these).
- Bootlegging the goods.

Honestly, why haven't we formed it so that we have a projector with a high-density back-sensor displaying a small version of the movie, connected to, per se, a digital version of the film?

I can see film projection as an art and a successful lifestyle...and to be honest, I probably couldn't ever go to a movie theater if they did that (because then I'd know there'd be a copy of the movie floating around somewhere on uTorrent)...

If anything, I'm actually for the old format of the film-projection industry. I would like to see the prices go down, of course :)

...but still. We can evolve, don't you think?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hasn't even been a week.

I just found out you have eyes that aren't blue, or green. They're exactly in the middle.

That's...just too awesome.

Also, I'm sorry you didn't do as well as you wish you did at auditions.
But...honestly...who wouldn't want someone that looks like Bones?

I know I would :)


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Oh, you.

So you feel superior?

That's nice. I don't see it that way.

Now, the bulk:
Yesterday, I met this girl. Theoretically, I've known about her for three days now, starting off when I became sound apprentice for Westy.

Tl;dr: She's now my girlfriend.

Non Tl;dr: The events leading up to that were meticulously planned out just so that'd happen. I upset some people, but I'm a human, and I'm not alone (and definitely not out to make a difference). It's too close to call to see if she's really someone that strings that right note with me. She speaks with conviction, and right now I'm not sure if that's my preference. Regardless, she looks like a mix between Pam from The Office and Bones. This is going to be fun!

If you ever read this, Eva, I swear you looked like someone who worked in the school and knew what they were doing - that, and miles out of my league. Thanks for doing what I probably would've been too shy to do.

Both ways, I feel fine.
Very fine.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What I think about Hipsters.

Hipsters are leeches; whenever they find something that was scarcely popular back in it's time, they suck the remaining life out of it to upen their ego. What tools.

In their natural habitat, they can be seen crawling around with their neon Ray Bans and neon everything else. Only they think it's still cool to pertain to a fashionable introspective of "I need attention," and yet, they still get it.

They will substitute the weapon-of-choice-instrument guitar for the less sought-out bass (Crowbar, wherever you are, I apologize). Oh, nothing gets the hipster chicks more than single-note bass lines.

So yes, carry out hiding in your corners. Everyone loves you, except for everyone currently at a year after 2005.