Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wow, THIS is just bad...

So I looked at my grades today. 70 percent in health?? That's not right!

Before the presented picture, I'm not assuming the following:

- The teacher has a grudge against me
- The teacher made this 'mishap' on purpose
- A bell curve is shooting my score down

Here's Exhibit A (click image to enlarge):

I did a basic average add-up. As you can see, I'm being given 70 percent for this class. Divide that total by 11; things don't add up!

I should be at a 76 percent (which, at my school counts as passing).

I also know for a fact that it's not the mistake of the web app, as, mentioned on the bottom, a teacher can apply their own 'weighting' to a grade final. Fair? I call bullshit.

Just thought I'd say something. Tomorrow, she'll be presented with a printout and a teacher-violation threat.

*NOTE: I claim this as my own property, so in the chance that any administrator finds this, I can lawfully say it's my personal, revealed property. Small print sure sucks, doesn't it, teacher?

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