Friday, August 6, 2010

New messages, people, samples

Starting off well, today!

New people: J.K. from Hampshire, England (no, this is not a joke)

New messages: O.K. (my aunt's husband's step-sister) started messaging me about a month ago, when I added her. I always look forward to her responses.

New samples: Finally got TEK, the Technics turntable from the 80's hooked up to an amazing preamp, and now I'm able to run samples off of vinyls I just have lying around.

Interesting day. Mom wanted to go to a town about 50 miles west of Glenwood Springs (or 226 miles from my house) and come back in the same day. That equates 6+ hours on the road. NO WAY.

I'd prefer Nederland, CO. over any time-warping travel, any day.

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