Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dear Mr. Mau5,

If you do plan to use a sample of you slapping a SM57 (mic) against your ass, could you please tell me WHERE in your VMA's setlist you're using it? That way, I can laugh at it, when no one else knows what's so funny.


P.S. Tiesto's probably dying of anguish/jealousy. Haters gonna hate.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New girl...dammit.

Out of all the years that I needed to actually pay attention in my classes, this one hands me a new girl.

Once again my face after I see my reputation slowly die away:

Sunday, August 22, 2010

School's out for summer

Okay, contrary to what I want to believe, it's back in session.

I could NOT be happier. NO.

Still, it gives me a logical excuse to wake up nicely dressed every morning, eating a decent breakfast and wearing a spiffy backpack. All of this, yes, is thanks to high school.

Yesterday, I shot some video of pirates walking along 16th Street Mall. BrethrenCon's coming up soon, and they needed a promo for their website.

Truly, however, is that it's hard finding a copy of "He's a Pirate" in mp3 form.

Oh well, they're happy with it.

Just to keep things going in my momentum of hunger, I've posted a flashy poster of the AC (lightning symbol) DC poster I have hanging on my bedroom door.

Thanks, producer. That, and the 17 shirts I got from him. Lookin' good!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New mixer, women charmer, etc.

Yep, SOFI (Some Other F*cking Input) came in today.

It's really something else. While it looks like another typical mixer, it does a lot more. I finally have something well-qualified to plug in my turntables into. Not only that, but OMNI now goes through that, as well as an input for an iPod (or some other 1/8" output). Headphone mount on top is really nice; quick for switching. At all times, 5 inputs can be controlled, but 9 inputs total are possible (that's more than plenty for me).

The main point I got it is because the mixer lights up like a christmas tree.

Tomorrow, I try plugging it into my vintage 1978 Traynor P-Ancient PA through balanced XLR cables. That'll be interesting.

Oh, woman charmer? Saw some girl walking down the street in Olde Town Arvada. She was cute, so I smiled back. /score

I'm out of toilet paper, so I'm stuck here for a while...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Busy on the phone, urgent news.

...but I took time out of my busy science installations to write a blog.

Hello. This blog is about Mary and Erin. They are both lost on a golf course. I'm assuming this golf course is somewhere in the United States.

If you find their bodies anywhere on that golf course, please, contact the local authorities and not me.

Thank you.

Below is a time-enhanced photo depicting what they may look like now. For safety reasons, their identity is guarded by a black block over their eyes.

(NOTE: Mary is on the left; Erin, on the right.)

Seven Days

There are now both seven days since my last post AND until I go back to school. So, I'll make this brief.

New 4 channel gemini mixer on tuesday! I'm calling it Sofi.

I finally submitted some of my work to Matt Darey, a DJ for the Ministry Of Sound (as shown below)

Hopefully, I get a callback!

Speaking of callbacks, I submitted an application to Halloween City, which will be temporarily be taking the spot where Hollywood Video used to be...before Netflix.

Oh, and it's only 72 degrees outside. I'm gonna miss summer.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sudden realization

I spent all of today with one of my closest friends. After 2 years of knowing her, I've just realized that I do truly love her, but in a sisterly way. She trusts me like no one else, and there's so much in common. It'd be wrong of me to pursue any form of relationship beyond that.

Also, NEDERLAND! Beautiful day for it. I plan to take her there when the aspen leaves start changing. Also, that sketchy café is still there!

Pic of my soul sister? /sigh FINE.

Happy now?

EDIT (5/Dec 2010): Wow, I'm stupid. So many things that didn't happen. So much wasted time. I'd like you if you weren't so busy and confused. I'd like you even more if you actually liked me back.

EDIT (7/Dec 2010): Nevermind...I still somewhat love you. Congrats :)

EDIT (29/September 2011): You got pregnant, dropped out, all while crushing everything I stood for. I want to thank you for teaching me how dangerous emotions can be. I've got some friends to warn...

Friday, August 6, 2010

New messages, people, samples

Starting off well, today!

New people: J.K. from Hampshire, England (no, this is not a joke)

New messages: O.K. (my aunt's husband's step-sister) started messaging me about a month ago, when I added her. I always look forward to her responses.

New samples: Finally got TEK, the Technics turntable from the 80's hooked up to an amazing preamp, and now I'm able to run samples off of vinyls I just have lying around.

Interesting day. Mom wanted to go to a town about 50 miles west of Glenwood Springs (or 226 miles from my house) and come back in the same day. That equates 6+ hours on the road. NO WAY.

I'd prefer Nederland, CO. over any time-warping travel, any day.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wow, is that a definition?

Yup. The definition of the day is 'Facebook Whore'.

-Everyone pay close attention to angle of pic, smooching face to give more "attractively" shaped face, stuck-out chest (to make those A-ish cups look worthy) and most important of all, the number of pics this person has; all of which look the SAME.

I hate you, and may you grow up being withered, orange, old, and senile (perhaps on the bitch seat of some fat biker's hog).

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

So I have an idea...

7 AM, a new song, just recently created by me, will be the first to have a video recorded by me.

The movie goes like this:

It starts out with a girl waking up constantly at exactly 6:59 AM, without need from an alarm clock.

...that's all I can figure out, at the moment. That, she's cute, and she works at some boardwalk stand, but the important thing is that she sees everything that goes on before a big crowd makes it's path through.

In order to shoot this, I'm going to have to wake up early. This is going to suck.

Also, help wanted: Cute girl.

EDIT (5/Dec 2010): Finally, progress with the vid! My idea includes that she wakes up and gets ready for work. She's fully suited in a black apron, blue t-shirt and visor with flower embroidery. She works a flower stand in the city. Her attitude seems to be super optimistic and every day, people treat her like she's the nicest person alive. No one takes advantage of her nicety; they all respect her and her business. Today seems just like any other day, and by the end of the song, something eerie but unexpected happens.

That's right, she's working the stand on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. At 8:46 AM, she looks up and sees the first plane hit the WTC. She's unable to think; she's never seen anything this bad. She's always thought good of the world, giving mankind a chance. At the end of the video, she's seen, collapsed to her knees, crying and covered in ash, with people running away from the debris field. The music becomes detuned, oscillating and dark (from it's light approach) as a fade out into sheer gray darkness emerges.

...and who said I couldn't be a director?

Yes, this video's based off of a girl I know in real life. I dream that someday I might be able to get to know her more, as well as seeing her mad. I'd remember that for the rest of my life.