Sunday, April 29, 2012

After prom.

I woke up to the sounds of roaring helicopters from outside my window. With my eyes too lazy to open, I imagined it was some noisy lawn mower. I figured why not...I'll take a peek. Guess I was wrong - it was a helicopter. In addition to the low-flying black hawk, four News vans were outside, with their antennas hoisted tens of feet in the air. In front of them were news journalists, yellow-vested authorities with K9 units and onlookers from deep inside the park.

I immediately got dressed and rushed downstairs. Without skipping a beat, I asked a guardsman what happened. I looked around for a fire, some building collapsing, or maybe a lifeless corpse. Turns out the third one was almost dead on. The authorities' mission today was to find the body of a missing 19 year-old girl, known to have hidden in the park during times of hardship at her residency, only a block down. She grew dormant from her teenage progression. As her life became constricted, so did her intelligence. Eventually, she'd develop problems with her cognition. At the age of 19, she had the mind of a 12 year old. She ran away 2 nights ago, and there's been a rumor her body was across the street from my house.

They found the body. It wasn't hers.

With more questions floating around, I spent my day going to work, and coming back to my house. I have a view of the park from outside my bedroom window. I'm sure her parents are scared to death about whether they'll find her, or if she's dead or alive.

What's on my mind is that they found a body in the park right across from my house. What's more scary is that it wasn't hers.

I wonder where she might be.