Wednesday, December 29, 2010


...really badly. At least it wasn't anything like last night, where I got nauseous after getting general anestesia (apparently, the teeth were digging into my jawbone. Screw local; I was gonna be OUT for them to fix that). Two times puking, and I'm back to feeling sub-par!

Just hate the fact that my mouth hurts. Oh well (boo-hoo).

Interesting things happen when I was out. I remember thinking that I was going to think of something amazing. Within the 15 seconds or so that the drug was being administered through the IV, I kept thinking girls, music, and a lemur with his hands up in the air.

Guess which one I dreamt of for those 60 minutes...


That, and I dreamt of many colored horizontal stripes. Why...not really sure. Didn't feel a thing. though! A++ would do business with again (just not soon enough).

Oxycodone's a helluva drug.

O.o goodnight los angeles.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Women and Their Boobs:

"I can see why they're happy with smaller ones. I'm sure their back pain's the equivalent of peanut vendors at baseball games. Sure, she's got all the attention in the world (I mean, REALLY), but is it worth it? Having your name and specific body parts (in this case, your merchandise) hollered out by every other guy in the crowd?

I guess it's not all the same as a peanut vendor, 'cause it's not like everyone's staring at your nuts... is the same if they have the money for it."

- Mac East

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dear Parents,

This year, I'm cutting out the middleman in the red suit and beard and going straight to you.

If there were ANY three things that could benefit me right now, it would be these:

1. Tascam DR-07 Field Recorder
Most of my music's either influenced by my surroundings, or sampled from my surroundings. Recording these things with a tape recorder has not only proven itself to be less efficient, but also cruddy in terms of quality. With this, I can record just about anything. Imagine, an accomplished producer with professional samples taken from shops....TYPEWRITERS! Not only that, but with the low-pass filter, I can get down and dirty with the bass drops. Who doesn't love bass drops???

2. Axiom 61-Key Midi Controller
This is just downright-sexy. With semi-weighted keys, more controllers than the star-trek command desk...I can do soooooooooooo(oooooooooooo) much more with actual controls hooked directly into Live. It would make a great upgrade from my current 49 key MIDI controller, which, honestly, has seen better days. This is a MIDI controller that I can actually "play piano" with.

3. Canon Rebel EOS
I suck, I suck, I suck.
I think that, for as many pictures I actually take, and seeing as how I'm going to be buying MANY more 24-exposure rolls in the near future, why not just pay off for a few and get this? I've been a great fan of Canon...and this is as close to as what anyone can say as "industry standard."

That's asking for a lot. If anything, I'd be happier with bigger lenses for my Minolta 35mm camera from '98. Even so, my family's financial status is in the gutter. I shouldn't ask for much. What I have right now is plenty - if not more than what others barely can grasp. So I get it - I have no right to ask for more. It'd be nice, boy can I tell you that.

I'm happy with my iPod Touch upgrade that I bargained tirelessly with the Apple store for (after 3 years, I've finally upgraded to SECOND GEN. NICE!). Looks like the frame rate of my life changed from 24 to 30.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Real story behind 'Until September'

In August of 2010, I started talking to a girl that really wanted to explore the world. She wanted to escape Colorado (still can't see why - Colorado's the BOMB...) and see what she'd seen on television many times before. The only way she could ever see doing that was to join a volunteer community that would send her to remote regions of the Earth, and promise her food, education, and a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the world for herself. So, she did it. In September, she left for a year's worth of exploring.

I haven't talked to her since, seeing as how she's in rural areas, much without internet nor communication standards. I'm assuming she's in Russia, at the moment. She was really interested in the language and the orthodox christianity that resides there (yeah, she's a bit of a religious nut). Nevertheless, that's the real story behind "Until September" - it's literally what I look forward to next year.

Now you can add "I write songs when I'm in love with something or someone" to the list of "I write songs when I'm pissed at something or someone". Who the hell gets publicity in music doing that?

Pic partly related

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Full moon, lunar eclipse


I like my moon and my social networking.


P.S. Pic related: It's me and my bitch.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

51st Post/Finals!

DONE AND DONE! Already, I'm almost 1/7th worth a year's done with posts! Not bad for someone who started merely 6 months ago? Maybe more...but still. It was fun.

I thank everyone who was in my first semester classes. You really made my life less dull in school (not like you never do, anyways). I'm starting to talk to new people, which is kinda cool. Especially one person, who I REALLY hope to get to know more of (hint: she's the basis for 7AM :D )

Got some Auraria sit-ins for I'm gonna try to head to bed early. THAT's ever gonna happen!

Pic related: it's a really bad coincidence.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Just like raindrops...

Basement Jaxx, Royksopp and the Chemical Brothers top my favorite alt-electro artist list.

Yes, even above Boys Noize.

In other news, I'm in love. Just gotta find that girl I'm in love with.


Just like raindrops...just like raindrops.

FINALS WEEK! I'm not even stressed (or mad). That's a good sign. It means they should be easy.

Until next week (or until I'm bored).

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

7 AM: New plans

This is a rewrite and addition from a post on August 3rd, 2010:

7 AM, a new song, just recently created by me, will be the first to have a video recorded by me.

The movie goes like this:

It starts out with a girl waking up constantly at exactly 6:59 AM, without need from an alarm clock.

...that's all I can figure out, at the moment. That, she's cute, and she works at some boardwalk stand, but the important thing is that she sees everything that goes on before a big crowd makes it's path through.

In order to shoot this, I'm going to have to wake up early. This is going to suck.

Also, help wanted: Cute girl.

EDIT (5/Dec 2010): Finally, progress with the vid! My idea includes that she wakes up and gets ready for work. She's fully suited in a black apron, blue t-shirt and visor with flower embroidery. She works a flower stand in the city. Her attitude seems to be super optimistic and every day, people treat her like she's the nicest person alive. No one takes advantage of her nicety; they all respect her and her business. Today seems just like any other day, and by the end of the song, something eerie but unexpected happens.

That's right, she's working the stand on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. At 8:46 AM, she looks up and sees the first plane hit the WTC. She's unable to think; she's never seen anything this bad. She's always thought good of the world, giving mankind a chance. At the end of the video, she's seen, collapsed to her knees, crying and covered in ash, with people running away from the debris field. The music becomes detuned, oscillating and dark (from it's light approach) as a fade out into sheer gray darkness emerges.

...and who said I couldn't be a director?

Yes, this video's based off of a girl I know in real life. I dream that someday I might be able to get to know her more, as well as seeing her mad. I'd remember that for the rest of my life.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

This is how my brain works

There's always an order of how my brain works. Strangely enough, whenever I try to recall what something or someone looks like, or even if I'm trying to remember a music video, I go through the strangest process.

*NOTE: In my mind, I have no clue all these things are linked, but my subconscious knows something's up.

I start out thinking nothing of the proceeding things:

The "Going Postal" comedy sketch is brought up in my recommended vids.

This triggers two things: Postal and Microprocessors.

I have no clue in hell what they could mean, but I remember hearing a song on the UPS commercials. I remember the swath-switch sound that's part of the beat.
(I probably get this from being a producer and what-not)

Afterwards, I remember a music video related to the manufacturing of microprocessors and some form of love-tension.

I have a 51 percent chance that the song and the video are tied together.

At this point, I start searching up microprocessor manufacturing videos. Somehow, in my brain, the video I remember seeing is either about microprocessors or mail. Both ways, it's about an intricate system. I spend about 3 weeks searching up microprocessor how-tos and get nothing.


I search "The Postal Service" on youtube. That's the second and final remnant in my head. First thing that pops up; the video.


I started with two things:
- Microprocessors
- Postal Service

I expected to end with one or the other.

I ended up with both.

I have so much faith in humanity now, as well as a reassured feeling of how my brain works. It's really something else to remember something from, practically, completely nothing.

Also, this is why I love the internet.